Bidets will leave you feeling cleaner and fresher after a trip to the toilet. Though they can get you clean, most bidets need cleaning themselves. After you install and use your bidet for a while, you find yourself asking, “Why does my bidet smell?”
There are multiple reasons why your bidet may smell bad depending on the type of bidet and the smell coming from it. You could have plumbing and draining issues, electricity problems, structural damage, or a build-up of waste that has evaporated. Or, you may simply have not correctly cleaned the bidet itself.
In this article, we will break down the many issues your bidet may be having so we can diagnose the smell and ensure our bidets are working cleanly and safely.
My Bidet Smells Like Urine
A urine-like smell usually happens to bidets that are attached to your regular toilet. Sadly, this is mostly caused by people who have a poor aim when they pee. This, combined with the heating function on the seat or the drying function from the bidet, causes the tiniest urine splash to evaporate, leaving behind a nasty smell.
To help alleviate your bathroom from this smell, clean whichever heating item you have. If you have an air dryer, lightly clean the area with a Q-tip or soft cloth. Wipe the seat with a cloth soaked in warm water or soap. If these solutions don’t work, it may be necessary to stop using the dryer or heater for your seat.
My Bidet Smells Like Sewer Waste
Just like a regular toilet, bidets can have plumbing or structural issues that lead to nasty smells. Of course, you want to check your O-rings to see if they’ve broken or worn out due to use, and replace them if needed.
After this, check the S- or P-traps in standalone bidets, which would be underneath the bidet. They are designed to hold a small amount of water to keep gasses from lower in the sewage system from making it into your home. If these were improperly installed or are not working, they won’t be collecting water.
If you find you are having a general plumbing issue for any model, you may want to hire a professional plumber so they can pinpoint the exact problem.
A Strange Smell is Coming from Inside the Bidet
Sometimes, build-up in condensation mixed with other liquids that are frequent in the bathroom may lead to your bidet forming mold or sitting water. You may want to check inside your bidet by following these steps with most models:
- Remove the easily-accessed screws on the top.
- Gently take off the cover.
- Inspect and clean the inside of the bidet. Look out for any water or other objects, and dry the area with a rag.
- Put the bidet back together.
My Bidet is Producing a Burning Smell
Many electric bidets come with dryers, a small area that acts like a blowdryer after you’ve washed your butt. If you notice a burning smell, the first thing you want to check for is debris in the dryer. Clean it out thoroughly with a wet rag or a Q-tip.
Of course, you also want to make sure you have the proper voltage for your electrical bidet. Double-check if there is any smoke when using the bidet, or look for dark areas around the area you plug your bidet in.
How to Clean Your Bidet
There are several different types of bidets, ones that are completely independent and others that are physically connected to your toilet. No matter which one you have, though, cleaning and maintenance are generally similar.
You want to avoid harsh chlorine-based cleaning products like bleach and powders. These can erode the rubber O-rings that connect plumbing, potentially causing leaks.
Also, you want to clean and disinfect the water nozzle as often as you can, potentially on a daily basis. This could be as simple as turning the spray function on or wiping it with a clean rag. This will ensure that any build-up of calcium or other minerals in your water will be taken care of.
Cleaning Standalone Bidets
After you use a standalone bidet, you want to make sure to flush it with cold water for a few seconds. You can spray it with bathroom cleaner before your rinse to make your weekly cleaning a much easier job.
You should also wipe the bowl with vinegar or detergent once a week to keep the bowl smelling fresh and disinfect any bacteria hiding there.
Cleaning Electrical Bidets
Electrical bidets may be a bit more complicated to clean, especially if you have an attachment, though there are some fancy bidets that are self-cleaning and disinfecting.
The attachments usually come with nozzles that poke down to spray your personal areas. You want to disinfect these often with vinegar-soaked toothbrushes to brush away any build-up and disinfect them of any splash your bathroom use may have created.
You also want to remove the bidet from the seat and wipe underneath the attachment on a monthly basis.
Regular cleaning and maintenance of your bidet should be expected, just like your bidet offers you regular cleaning. Luckily for the bidet connoisseur, this maintenance is quite simple. Regular wiping, disinfecting, and seal check-ins will ensure the nasty smells are only coming from you.