The use of a bidet can be a great way to clean up after you’ve got a bowel movement. However, if you misuse it, it could cause you some serious trouble.
Bidets are designed to provide water-based cleaning for the anus and lower rectum. And while they do a great job at cleaning, they also work by spraying water at high pressure into areas where it is not intended to go.
Of course, this causes the waste matter to be flushed out through the anus or lower rectum, which is why they are so effective in eliminating fecal matter from your body.
But if you use one incorrectly, then this could lead to some unpleasant consequences.
What’s the Relationship Between Bidets and Diarrhea?
The relationship between bidets and diarrhea is unclear. Some people report having bowel movements after using a bidet, while others do not. The reason for these conflicting reports is that most of the research on this topic has been conducted by manufacturers of bidets and other products for personal hygiene.
Theoretically, if you use your bidet properly, it may not affect your bowel movements in any way. Nevertheless, there are some things you should know about how to use a bidet properly so that it does not cause problems for you.
You see, by using a bidet, the water is likely to get into the gastro intestine. This can cause watery stool, not diarrhea. The idea behind this is that water in the colon dilutes fecal matter, which allows for easier elimination of waste through the rectum.
That said, diarrhea is often caused by things like medication, food poisoning, and malabsorption of nutrients.
How Can You Avoid Bidet-Caused Diarrhea?
Essentially, a bidet will not cause diarrhea, and that’s mainly because the human anal sphincter prevents the rectum from leaking by staying closed. However, water can get into your colon and cause loose stool if you fail to use the bidet properly.
What can you do to avoid the same? Here are some tips.
Use the correct pressure
Bidet-induced diarrhea can happen when a bidet is used in the wrong way. One of the biggest mistakes you are likely to make is using too much water pressure or not enough water pressure.
The right pressure for bidets is between 1 and 2 bar — that’s the same as standing on your toes. If you use too much water pressure, it can cause irritation and irritation to the anal area. You may also notice that the bidet has caused stinging or burning sensations in your anus.
The only way to prevent this problem is to use the right amount of water pressure for your bidet model. If you use too little water pressure, then you may be using an inefficient bidet model that doesn’t clean well enough. This can cause problems such as excessive drying and irritation.
Minimize bidet enema attachment use
Bidet attachments can be made of rubber or plastic, and they are usually attached to a toilet or even a bathtub. These attachments can be inserted into the anus during bowel movements to create a cleansing effect. The problem is that some people who use them develop symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome after continuous use.
The symptoms vary from person to person, but they include bloating, gas, and diarrhea. If you have these symptoms after using your bidet attachment, you may have bidet-induced diarrhea.
If you do choose to use one, make sure it’s positioned at least 12 inches or 30 centimeters away from your anus, and don’t cover your entire bottom with it. Also, keep in mind that if you have diarrhea and are prone to this side effect, it’s best not to use one at all.
What Else Could be Causing Your Diarrhea?
Diarrhea can be a result of different things, from viruses to food poisoning to parasites or even toxic shock syndrome (TSS). But if you have diarrhea, it’s time to stop blaming yourself and start looking for the real culprits.
The most common cause of diarrhea is poor diet. If your diet isn’t balanced and includes too many foods that don’t agree with your digestive system, you’ll get more frequent bouts of diarrhea — especially if you’re sensitive to foods like gluten or lactose.
A fiber deficiency in your diet can also contribute to frequent bouts of diarrhea; fiber keeps things moving through your digestive tract and helps prevent constipation while also helping keep your bowels regular.
Other causes include:
- Bacteria: If you have diarrhea, your doctor may order tests to find out if there’s any infection in your body that’s causing it. This can include blood tests and cultures.
- Viruses: Viruses are small infectious particles that cause diseases like the common cold and the flu. They can also cause food poisoning, hepatitis A and E viruses, and many other illnesses. Some viruses are spread by air, water, or food (like listeria), while others are spread through touch or direct contact with an infected person (like measles).
- Parasites: Parasites are organisms that live in your body but don’t belong there. They can be found in your mouth (such as gingivitis), intestines (such as roundworms), skin (such as lice), nails (onychocryptosis), lungs (cystic fibrosis), and eyes (trachoma).
If you have diarrhea and you’ve ruled out other causes, your doctor may recommend that you have a colonoscopy to check for other causes. A colonoscopy is an endoscopy procedure that allows doctors to look inside your digestive system.
Can a Bidet Help With Diarrhea?
Most people wonder if a bidet can help with diarrhea. Well, there is no evidence that it can, but the soothing cleanse it offers when you have a running stomach is welcome.
You see, diarrhea forces you to use the bathroom more frequently than usual. That also means you will be wiping your behind with toilet paper every time. This can be irritating to your anus and even cause chafing.
By using a bidet, you reduce the risk of that happening while eliminating the fluids that come with diarrhea that could cause swelling, redness, and more irritation.